Thursday, April 21, 2011

Love Coupons

Here is a great way to show your spouse you love them.

Just give them these blank coupons to have them fill them in or fill them in yourself!

They can use them when they feel they need a little more LOVE!

IDEA: You could use these as a couple activity and you each make some for each other.


CREDIT: Heart clip art from Microsoft Word

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Another idea!

I am on a roll. Guess I am making up for lost time.

I don't know if I am the only one but my husband always seems to try to get me to participate in one of his activities. Which... let's be honest, XBOX is just not my thing.

But he begs and begs and begs!

As I thought about it more and more he really does a lot of things for me he's particularly into. Shopping, shopping, and more shopping!

So I guess I owe it to him to give back what he's given me.

So therefore, SURVIVOR CARDS were born!

CREDIT: Survivor Logo from Google Images

The blank is for your significant other to fill in and you must do what he chooses.

Sounds scary, huh

Well, here's the thing, you can print as many as you think you can SURVIVE with.

A week's worth, a weekend's worth, or a day's worth.

Me.. I could maybe only survive one day hehehehe.

Comment below if you would like a Microsoft Word Version emailed to you.
That version comes with two on a page.


You might want to make a list of rules on the back.
I know how sneaky those husbands can be and they might
just try to get you to do something for hours on end.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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Click the FB link to the right.


Friday Facts

It's time for the hard cold facts!

Since my Wednesday Willingness was on positive thinking I decided to google the benefits of a positive attitude.

I found these on

  1. You are more motivated to get things done and achieve your goals when you have a positive attitude.
  2. You expect positive outcomes and results, and you usually get them.
  3. Problems are no longer problems, but become opportunities to learn and grow.
  4. You have higher self-esteem. You believe in yourself and what you are capable of.
  5. You see opportunities where other people see problems.
  6. Your thinking is more creative.
  7. You have more inspiration and you rely less on others to help motivate you.
  8. You are generally much happier.
  9. You have much less stress.
  10. Your health is better because you are less stressed.
  11. Your immune system is stronger.
  12. You will live a longer life.
  13. You have more friends. Who wants to hang out with somebody who is negative?
  14. You are more influential.
  15. People will respect you more.
  16. You make a better leader or manager.
  17. Your significant other will like being around you more.
  18. Achieving success is easier and more fun.
  19. You have more perseverance since you expect things will turn out well in the end
  20. You have more energy. Negativity can really drain you!
  21. You will affect others have a more positive attitude. Attitudes are contagious.
  22. You bounce back from setbacks much faster.
  23. You enjoy your work more.
  24. Your kids will like being around you more.
  25. You enjoy more success in all areas of life.
Holy cow! Who knew such a small thing would change so many other things! It's amazing how something so good for you and benefit so many different aspects about your life. I am definitely going to try to be more positive now that I know all this! I especially like number 17: Your significant other will like being around you more. That is a great reason to want to be positive all the time. The other 24 benefits are now just bonuses!

If you ever find it difficult to think positively try exercising or meditating on a regular basis!
Both really help the brain and body!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday Ideas

Today I'm going to post some ideas for St. Patty's Day. After all, it is already March 3rd! Where does time go?? Anyway, I was browsing the Internet yesterday to prepare for my Thursday Ideas post today and I came across this lovely St. Patty's Day Party idea. It is so cute! They have so many ideas. I found this on a blog called Wants and Wishes. I am so glad I came across this blog! Click HERE to visit them.
AND the best part is they sale this party set on etsy. Click HERE

Ok so here are the adorable party pictures

These pictures make me want to throw a St Patricks Day party!

Or even just steal a few ideas to surprise my hubby with.

I think the soda idea would be great for couples and I love the lucky charm cereal as sprinkles.


Surprise your spouse/significant other/kids in the morning by filling their shoes with leprechaun goodies.

Surprise your spouse/significant other/kids with a "green" breakfast in the morning by adding food coloring to pancakes, waffles, eggs, milk, etc.

I love these clover pancakes from Little Nummies 
(click the link above to see some other very cute St Patty's Day ideas)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Daily Posts

I'm going to start a new thing called Daily Posts.

I am really excited about this. Here are the Daily Topics:

Monday Mania are ideas that I come up with. I will post these on Monday's. Hopefully it will be every Monday. I will have the whole weekend to stir up ideas and the best part is that you will have the whole week to prepare them and do them for your significant other!

We all know I love to cook! So on Tuesday I will post recipes. These recipes will always be recipes I have previously tried. Now I never come up with my own recipes. I wish I could but I am not that talented. A lot of times I modify recipes a find online just a little! But i usually stick straight to the recipe. I will only post recipes that I find are AMAZING. These recipes will be for all meals.

Wednesday Willingness is going to be a day dedicated to do something for your spouse/significant other. These will be simple tasks such as no arguments for a day or positive thinking day, etc. You will see an improvement in your relationship with just these small willing adjustments.

I know, I know, Thursday didn't get a catchy title like the rest. Sorry, it's all I could come with.
Thursday Ideas will be all about linking other bloggers ideas or ideas I find online
(maybe I should call it Thursday Links???)
These ideas will be for anything! Crafts, food, home decor, etc.

And finally.....

Friday Facts is going to be all about interesting facts I find about dating and relationships, exercise, eating, being positive, etc. I think these facts will serve as a real eye opener and help us improve our everyday lifestyle!

There we go! Five full days of Creative Romance.

And.. since today is Wednesday Willingness I think we all could work on our positive attitudes today.
Let's really try to be happy and positive with everything that comes our way today.
Throw negativity out the door and look for the good in everything!
 After all we are already halfway through the week!!!

Have a good day!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Eclair Recipe

I don't know about you but I love eclairs.

There is just something about the dough on the outside, the sweet creamy center, and the chocolate on top!

I have only made eclairs twice since I've been married and the
first time they were really good but something wasn't quite right.

Last week I went searching for the right recipe and I think I found it on All Recipes. YUM YUM YUM.

 You can find the original HERE

Ok, as you can see this is a cream puff recipe. All you have to do to turn it into an eclair is add some chocolate on the top. I used the same technique as I did when I did my chocolate covered strawberries post. But you could always do a chocolate sauce or use prepacked frosting!

The dough and the filling are so easy!

TIP: Make sure you add the cream and the milk to the pudding though,
otherwise it'd be too runny if you just made the instant pudding...

These are definitely worth a shot! Give 'em a try and let me know what you think below.

The filling is perfect! It is thick enough so that it doesn't fall out when you bite into it!


I am going to be making these again at the end of this week... Comment below if you would like a tutorial.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Heavenly Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Remember my Valentine's Day strawberries???

I had to run out and buy more strawberries to make more the next day!

Here is a tutorial so you can make them too!

First you need to get some wax paper to avoid sticking.

Now it's time to prepare the strawberries. Wash them, pat them dry
{if they are wet the chocolate won't stick very well}
then pull the stems out of the way.

Once they are all prepared it's time to get the chocolate ready.

It depends on how many strawberries you are going to make
 but I usually just 'eye' how much chocolate I need.

I always use a little more milk chocolate chips than white.

Here is what I use for one container of strawberries

Now it's time to heat the chocolate.
I do this separately, heating the milk chocolate chips first.

Heat in small intervals.

I do 20 seconds at first stirring every time and once it starts melting I go to 15 second intervals.

{ watch it very closely }

VERY IMPORTANT: Make sure you stir every time!
Even when it looks like they aren't melting very much!!!

Once it's pretty much all the way melted it's time to add a little milk.
{ just a little }

Mix it in and heat once more.
{ if you add too much milk simply add more chocolate chips }

It should look like this when it's all finished

See how smooth and silky this is!

Now it's time to add to a plastic baggie.
Make sure it's already out and opened.
There isn't much time to lose!

Once it's in the bag cut a SMALL hole in the corner

You want the chocolate to come out slowly.

Apply light pressure when squeezing.

Go back and forth in zig-zig motions all over the strawberries.

Repeat the whole process with white chocolate.

And ta-dah!You have yourself some very delicious strawberries.

I added a little too much milk to my white chocolate.
{ but they were still scrumptious }

Absolutely Mouthwatering!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

..Valentines 2011..

I know I am a little late posting Valentines ideas

I'll get better though!

{some of these ideas could be used for other things too such as
 anniversaries or just to say I LOVE YOU!}

I got my decorations kind of late so I had to improvise and get a plain pink table cloth with red cups and plates. I used my own pink bowls and own paper towels for napkins and my own silver ware ha ha ha. BUT to make the table complete I used my Cricut to cut out some heart confetti.

This salad was yummy! Even had homemade dressing!

I failed to take a picture of the yummy enchiladas I made.
{maybe next time...}

For other decor I made this little sign. I found the idea online but changed a few things

And who could have dinner without dessert... NOT ME!


These were so good!
I am tempted to go get more strawberries and make more today!

All I used were chocolate chips!

The white chocolate made these heavenly!

Chocolate Strawberry Tip: During the heating process of the chocolate
add a little milk to smooth the mixture.

Comment below if you would like a tutorial.

For my Hubby I 'Heart Attacked' his half of the bed. I did this our first year of marriage and decided I'm going to Heart Attack something every year. It's a great way to show how much you love him by writing little messages on each of the hearts. I also put some of his favorite goodies with it.

Well that's all I have for today.

But I have some great St. Patty's Day ideas in the making!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

{ The Five Love Languages }

This is an awesome book.

If you haven't read it I highly recommend it!

I've read it over and over (I never read books more than once so this must be good hehe).

This book covers 5 main topics
  • Physical Touch
  • Acts of Service
  • Gifts
  • Words of Affirmation
  • Quality Time
The author says that we each have one of these as our primary love language and knowing our spouses greatly influences how our relationships are.

If we know our spouses love language then we can act upon that and do things we know our spouses will appreciate because it will speak to them the loudest.

This book also has awesome examples of doing acts to show each love language. It's a great start for couples before marriage and even after marriage! It's never too late!

It's also a good idea to read to know what kind of CREATIVE ROMANCE will be most useful to use from this blog.

Hopefully I will be able to show how to speak every single love language in a creative way through this blog.

Friday, February 11, 2011

{Welcome to}

I'm so excited to have viewers!

This blog is a work in progress so please keep coming back.

And don't forget to click the button

I am in major need of some followers.


You can also get to know a little about me by clicking the image below..