Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Another idea!

I am on a roll. Guess I am making up for lost time.

I don't know if I am the only one but my husband always seems to try to get me to participate in one of his activities. Which... let's be honest, XBOX is just not my thing.

But he begs and begs and begs!

As I thought about it more and more he really does a lot of things for me he's particularly into. Shopping, shopping, and more shopping!

So I guess I owe it to him to give back what he's given me.

So therefore, SURVIVOR CARDS were born!

CREDIT: Survivor Logo from Google Images

The blank is for your significant other to fill in and you must do what he chooses.

Sounds scary, huh

Well, here's the thing, you can print as many as you think you can SURVIVE with.

A week's worth, a weekend's worth, or a day's worth.

Me.. I could maybe only survive one day hehehehe.

Comment below if you would like a Microsoft Word Version emailed to you.
That version comes with two on a page.


You might want to make a list of rules on the back.
I know how sneaky those husbands can be and they might
just try to get you to do something for hours on end.

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